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Custom Design Deposit

Custom Design Deposit

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Deposit to design Friends themed save the dates to be delivered by 11/30/23 or sooner to go out 12/1

Invitations to follow will be delivered February 2024.  Additional design fee will be required for invitations.


The One When Michele Turns 50 

Gold/Purple theme

*Deposit is nonrefundable but it applied to final cost.

Design cost includes two mockups with one round of small changes.  Additional/Large design changes may require additional design fee.

Mockups will be delivered to client's provided email address one week after checkout. 

It is the client's responsibility to provide feedback with 3 days of receipt in order to stay on schedule.

Proposed timeline

11/3 - Checkout

11/10 - Mockup delivery

11/13 - Client feedback received

11/17 - Final design delivered and approved

11/20 - Printed

11/22- Shipped to client

11/27-Received by client